

Tuesday, 27 December 2011



No , i am not Super talented 

but i am respected ,,

         No , i am not perfect ,,
   but i am loved and cared , 

         No , i am not Your Dream , 
 but i never wanted to be 

        No , i am not best person ,
  All i am is , person with ,,

Imagination and pain ,,  ♥  

It Never Was .. !!!!!!!!!

:( :(
Its not in my hand ,, 
its not ,, 
when i try n fly ,,
i am being called by 
those down ,,
waiting for me ,,
thinking ,, i would
take them ,,
with me ,,
make them fly.,,
will wait for them ,,
but i cant ,,'
m above the sky,,
flying high ,,
it hurts to .,,
look down ,,
see them suffering ,,
but its not ,,
in my hand ,,

it never Was .. 

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Dreams Are Not Just Dreams

Little girl Lost in Her Dreamy World ! 

If dreams are just dream why do they trouble us so much !!
its easy to say , forget it ., it was just a dream

but having those silly dreams on mind ,,
and thoughts ...!!!! aahhh

"why the hack i saw something like that , why ??
does that mean something , is it gonna happen ever ?!!
why i am feeling guilty over such"

May be we had such thoughts in mind ,, in the Sub-Conscious mind of ours
and while sleeping ,, the Sub-consious mind taking a lead
gave all new colours and life to those thoughts
Now .. !!! having those thoughts Visually while sleeping , is much scary .,
sometimes even creative and amazing than just simple thought . !!

Dreams are way beyond , than just simple , crazy visuals .. !!

sometimes they give voice nd life 
to our intuitions ., 
to the unspoken , unexpressed thoughts 
to the hidden side of us ... !!!  

moral of the story is .,

Sometimes Dreams Are Not Just Dreams ,, !! 

Dreams Way Beyond 

Monday, 24 October 2011

So I blog .. Finally

Finally yes ,, Finally i am here

Everyone has been asking me , "oh you write well so why dont you start blogging it would be great for you" etc etc  , i took a lot to think and here i am , really new here and literally illiterate here . Need to learn a lot , just hope i can . so here i am .

ThePsychoSpeaks .