

Sunday, 1 January 2012

ღ Lost Diamond !!! ღ

why is he doing this :(

He : what r u doing here ? r u insane ? did u missed ur bus ?
She : yes i guess 
He : how stupid is that ,, common lets run to the next stop u'll catch it . 
She : Nooo i dont want to . 
He : Just shut up ,, [grabs her hand, and starts walking dragging her along ] i'll drop u on next stop , u'll meet ur group there , 
[she tries taking her hand back ,, but his grip is hard ] just walk n shut up .
She : [silent now , just walking with him ] have always been shut , haven't i ?
He : [turns back , looks at her ] now what ? just go home , and inform me when u reach .
She : i am not going home until n unless u r also heading back . 
He : [anger rush through him ] u know i am not going back , this is my home now . 
She : i came on the trip just to meet u , am not going back unless u r moving back .
He : u are not doing anything , u r just going back 
She : not without u . 
He : will u stop doing this , u r no one to me ,, u just cant command me , just go , Get lost . 
She : [with tears now ] yeah i am no one ,, simply no one ,, that is why u want me to be safe home , 
He : [real angry , grabs her hand tightly ]will u listen n ....
She : lemme complete Mr. all alone , yes i am no one to u , that is why u met me despite u were hiding from all , yes i am no one to u , thats y ur mother called me several times just to make sure if u r fine , [tears rolling down her cheek], yes i am no one to u thats why am the only person who knows where r u !!! well i was here just cause ur mom is crying from past 3 days , the moment u left she is broken [he starts shaking now ,, this is what he didnt wanted to hear something that makes him weak ] , ur dad isn't really showing that he cares or not, appearing that it doesnt matter but he asked me yesterday to beg u to come back ,, ur friends r missing u ,, m just here to get u back for Them not for me ,, cause yes i am no one to u [literally crying now]

am here to take u back 

He : am sorry ,, i dont mean that ,, [she crying crying badly ] listen please stop crying , i dont mean that , am sorry [he is also loosing now , he has tears ] 
She : Noo , let it be . i passed on the message to u, i better go now [sob] i'll leave ,, take care ,, n do think about those who matters to u . [turns away, n starts walking ,, she is weak ,, her tears r making her vision blurry ] 
He : Wait , please , i do care about them , and u too , am sorry i did not mean that , please . 
She : [Stops , doesnt turn back , slowly whispers] Byeee . please take care [keeps walking ]
He : Please Wait , dont leave me ! 
She : [turns back] u left us , we never did !!! [burst out crying ]
He : [comes Rushing towards her, hugs her ] look here , stop crying ,, am really sorry , i thought every one is selfish and doesn't want me , am sorry i shouldn't have left , am sorry dont cry please ,, u matter a lot ,, please dont cry . 
She : [controlling herself ] then ? now what ? drop me please , i need to go before i loose on my emotions . 
He : hmmm wait , let me get tissue for u . 
She : no let me go .
He : just 2 minutes please . 
She : okay ,, [unable to even speak that much ,, her throat is full of emotions ]
He : [after some 4 - 5 minutes he comes back] take this , [passes the tissue] wipe ur tears please ,, and lets go . 
She : [wipes tears ] whats that ? bag full of tissues ,, dont worry i wont cry now [sob]
He : Noo ,, u idiot , i wont let u cry anyways . lets go , m coming .
She : What , Really !! u kidding ? 
He : No , You came here just for me , i have hurt u all badly , am coming with u . 
She : ohhh so now i matter to u ! u forgot i was no one to u !! [tears , with anger ]
He : am sorry ,, i am really sorry ,, u r world to me. [holds her hand] lets go . 
She : [smiles ] i am telling u ,, lets go please , before i loose [smiles] 

after an hour in bus . 

Friend : where were u but ?? 
She : had lost my diamond. 
Friend : ohh u got it ?
She : yes [smiles ]
Friend : where is it ?
She : on its way ,, home 

Lets Go Home (: 


  1. This is something lovely! I am too writing the conversation but may be it has a sad ending!

  2. i usually write tragic only !!! i would love reading your work :) and btw Thanks
