

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Best Left Unsaid ;)

I have been thinking lately how important it is to talk your heart out, So, Here i am , trapped in so called thoughts again ...
" if you are hurt say it , if you are happy dance with cheer , if you are angry show it , if you love someone just say it ,, never regret, never keep things buried down in heart"
Simple rules as they say to live a life !!!!!!!
well is it that easy?  at least to me it never seemed.
reasons were endless ,,..
first and best I was dead darn Introvert [well minus when am at home or with my jerks]
second , anxieties before i could speak like those damn ass oops i meant excellent speakers, i was trapped down with thousands of thoughts making me much more anxious 
third , to me my views my opinions were thing to keep locked safe and not to showcase them in market , for a price named Appreciation.
      never mind , my wish however i act , but people have one annoying habit and it always was disturbing to me , if you are shut means either 
1. you are too arrogant 2. you are dumbo types 3. you were a door mate types , easy to walk on

Well i was one of those rude , arrogant chick to some , and to some i was a real door mate !!

and if you ask me really i had crossed that stage of feeling oh so bad or angry on it !! cause i had worshiped the motto by now ,, "Some Things Were Really Best Left Unsaid!! " 

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