

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Dreams Are Not Just Dreams

Little girl Lost in Her Dreamy World ! 

If dreams are just dream why do they trouble us so much !!
its easy to say , forget it ., it was just a dream

but having those silly dreams on mind ,,
and thoughts ...!!!! aahhh

"why the hack i saw something like that , why ??
does that mean something , is it gonna happen ever ?!!
why i am feeling guilty over such"

May be we had such thoughts in mind ,, in the Sub-Conscious mind of ours
and while sleeping ,, the Sub-consious mind taking a lead
gave all new colours and life to those thoughts
Now .. !!! having those thoughts Visually while sleeping , is much scary .,
sometimes even creative and amazing than just simple thought . !!

Dreams are way beyond , than just simple , crazy visuals .. !!

sometimes they give voice nd life 
to our intuitions ., 
to the unspoken , unexpressed thoughts 
to the hidden side of us ... !!!  

moral of the story is .,

Sometimes Dreams Are Not Just Dreams ,, !! 

Dreams Way Beyond