

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Happy 67th Indian Independence Day !! Really ??

67th Independence Day 

Why Celebrate !!

We live in country where people still discriminate others on the basis of caste and religion ,
Where girls [read girls and guys] are brutally getting raped and killed everyday ,
where government and politics is about money not the country or people, 
where every other person is corrupt from any official authority to common man , from all the scams to not buying trains ticket costing hardly 4 or 5 , 
where our soldiers and police spend [ read waste] their precious life , which goes in vain with nothing but all news channels portraying their story , 
where only those who are having power are safe and secure , 
where people who wanted to live simple non corrupt life were suppressed and enforced into system that is not democratic but bribe-rian , 
where even food of poor people and that of school children is a big deal for these officials to properly provide ,
where we have Independence celebration every year only to find Flags to be on Road Covered with mud and dirty water

No i don't say i Hate this Country , I Love My India , But where is freedom , are we Independent yet !!! 
I Don't say Government is to be blamed neither i say they aren't , 
All i say is We can make a change , but only if we wish , 
Everyone wants to compliant , but no one wants to be the part of Change .., 

Change is not about being leader and leading the country , 
it is about smaller things and within , 

Can't we Stop Littering , Value our Country and its Resources , 
Can't we Respect Our Elders and Females , why rob , why kill , why rape !!
Can't we stop Offering Bribe , and if we are forced to pay some, Can't we rise voice against it ,, 
Can't we stop blaming others and start taking care of things ,, 

No am not Patriotic but i wish to live simple and free life in my country , 
It is not just a dream but right of Each and Every Citizen ,, 

Let's Make Change Within , 
At least In Respect of all those Freedom Fighter who gave their life ,, 
without thinking about families , Career , 
They cared about Mother Land , Our Country , 
They Fought For us ,, 
Can't we Fight for Us , For Generations to Come !! ??? 

So whatever it is ,, 
Happy Independence Day ,,

Let's Be The Change That We Wish To See : Hope .................